He hated cold weather for things such as this, he also hated the snow for it covering everything, he also hated rain for the fact it always somehow filled the hole where is head usually is. Dice was walking back to the casino to escape the cold weather as a few of his card minions were resting in his fuzzy hood, it was a little hard getting to tunnel due to the gusts of wind blowing the cards away and forcing Dice to slide across the ground.

Twas a shivering and slightly windy day for inkwell isle, the gusts of wind were forceful and the air being very frigid. Your choice, also swearing might be found) (Yay I made REAL fanfic art for once, for real these fanfics are incredibly fun to write and make, and I really hope you enjoy it, I put lots of thought into them, also if you don't ship this, you might want to leave, or not.